警钟正在响亮而清晰地敲响. 现在距离日博备用网站排放量减少一半只剩下八年的时间, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres gave a stark warning in the run-up to COP27: “the world is on a highway to climate hell”.

这次气候会议取得了多大进展? Which policy tools and green financing solutions should be given top priority here and now to speed up climate action? 在本期日博备用网站商业新闻中找到答案 where we give you the inside perspectives from:

  • John Hassler, Professor, Institute for International Economic Studies IIES, Stockholm University
  • Pär Larshans, Ragn-Sells集团可持续发展总监
  • Katarina Wangler Björk, Applied Impact Partnership Manager, Doconomy
  • Dr. Martin Edlund, Minesto首席执行官
  • Emma Modéer Wiking, Global Head of International Sustainable Business, Business 日博备用网站
